Jekyll Garden Features

The theme will automatically convert wiki links to inline links. Similarly, [text](url) will be converted to external links.

Markdown support

The theme supports all standard markdowns. Have a look at Markdown Rendered to see preview.

With link icon next to external links, it's easier to identify internal links and external links

Easy Front-Matter

Using frontmatter, it's easy to configure notes. The capability includes - feed order based on date, option to hide notes from feed, list layout and more.

Introducing List layout for Notes

With simple front matter configuration, you can build a list layout (Check Credits for demo). This is helpful for building manual MoC :)

Static Homepage

Want to have a seperate home page instead of the feed? (Like my personal website) - You can configure that at _config.yml by change homepage enabled to true.

Support Subpath

You can install Jekyll garden to a URL path, or a sub path ( To do that, just configure baseurl at _config.yml

Private files using .gitignore

Not a theme feature, but if you want to publish part of your obsidian, it's easy. Just create two folders inside _notes (Say Public and Private), and use Gitignore to stop syncing your pirvate files with Github!