Docker Commands


  • docker pull: download images from remote registries.

  • docker images: list all images stored in localhost

  • docker inspect: display all details of an images (layer data and metada)

  • docker manifest inspect: display the manifest list of any image stored on Docker Hub.

  • docker buildx: Docker CLI plugin that extends the Docker CLI to support multi-arch builds.

  • docker rmi: delete image.


  • docker run: start a new container

  • Ctrl-PQ: detach the shell from the terminal of a container and leave the container running in the background.

  • docker ps: list all containers in the running state. The -a flag also display stopped contaners.

  • docker exec: runs a new process inside of a running container. It's useful for attaching the shell of the Docker host to a terminal inside a running container.

  • docker stop: stops a running container and put it in the exited (0) state.

  • docker start: restarts a stopped container.

  • docker rm: deletes a stopped container.

  • docker inspect: displays detailed configuration and runtime information abut a container.

Containerizing an app

  • docker build: reads a Dockerfile and containerizes an application. The -t flag tags the image, and the -f flag lets you specify the name and location of the Dockerfile.

  • The Dockerfile FROM instruction specifies the base image for the new image you're building.

  • The Dockerfile RUN instruction lets you to run commands inside the image during a build. Each RUN instruction adds a new layer to the overall image.

  • The Dockerfile COPY instruction adds files into the image as a new layer.

  • The Dockerfile EXPOSE instruction documents the network port an application uses.

  • The Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT instruction sets the default application to run when the image is started as a container.